It’s important to be clear about what you are seeking in a mentor. I have established some suggestions for your process as well as clarified my own role if you decide you want to apply to my signature program where I serve in the role as mentor.
FIRST - Establish why you are seeking a mentor.
TWO - Establish what you want to get out of the mentorship/mentoring experience.
For me personally, I seek two specific things in my mentors:
- A mentor who sees clearly - whose discernment I trust
- A mentor who will speak the truth to me about my journey, my stuff, regardless of how it makes me feel
These are questions to ask yourself
- Does this person see your highest self?
- How do you feel in your body when you connect/interact?
- Does her energy and do her words resonate strongly?
- Do you feel more clear after speaking with her?
- Does she help you come back to what you know is true?
- Does she help you remember your own power?
- Does she foster your own independence, sovereignty and growth?
I am a mentor to many powerful women
My commitment to any woman I take on in a mentoring capacity is this:
- I will seek to be a clear mirror for you.
- In doing so, I promise to always speak the truth to you.
- That means, I am not here to caretake your emotions.
- Does that mean I do not care about your feelings?
No, that is not what that means.
- I am here to hold space for your most brilliant, embodied and powerful self
- I am here to see you Shine.
- I am here to support your expansion.
- Nothing more, nothing less.
As a result, I am here to help you see clearly which means teaching and working with you so you can:
- Perceive on the level of the soul so that you can:
- Do the work your soul came here to do (on a personal, healing level)
- Embody your Soul Purpose in this lifetime
- Identify the spiritual gifts that already exist within your soul
- Work with you to identify your fears and resistance to stepping into your gifts and embodying your Soul Purpose
- Walk with you as you release those fears and resistance
As a result, my job is to dispel any delusions, distortions or projections that I see within your life experience.
My intention is to always do this with kindness, love, respect - and clarity
- My job is to walk with you, to hold space for you, to help remind you what it true
- To remain a clear reflection for you
- To support you to see and embody your most powerful self
- My job is not to fix you, to heal you or to help you.
IF THIS APPEALS TO YOU - Appy to the 9-month program where we work directly in a mentoring capacity.